Warm Christmas Time Together

Recently, the number of COVID-19 infections continues to rise. Although the pathogenicity of omicrone has decreased significantly, many people still show clinical manifestations including fever, muscle and joint soreness, and sore throat.

The end of the year is approaching, which is an important moment for employees to fight against the virus, and also a key node for our company to achieve the sales target of this year. In this special period, some WONLAMI employees work lightly, fight in the independent area with good protection, and stick to their posts with a conscientious attitude.

On December 24th, Christmas Eve, Bian Jiao, the general manager of our company, led the union representatives to the workshop to visit the front-line employees, and sent them masks, hand cream, peace fruit and other small Christmas surprises. They cared about the physical condition of employees, listened to the actual needs of employees, sent warmth and greetings to the grassroots, and encouraged everyone to work together for the common goal.