How close are you to the top salesperson?

1. Identify the need

Didi taxi and fast taxi are very hot.but when the taxi software hot, someone are selling medicine from these software , selling hemorrhoid medicine. Taxi drivers are prone to hemorrhoids because of long sitting. And in a busy traffic area, it is absolutely the most accurate marketing to push a message of selling hemorrhoid medicine by voice or text through taxi-hailing software. It is said that five people respond to a message. What a brilliant idea! When you don’t understand, others are already in action!

Enlightenment: Through the essence, we can see the pain of taxi masters, such as hemorrhoids, lumbar spine and other problems, and dig deeply into the needs of customers, so as to easily close a deal with customers.

2. Increase profits

I saw two piles of vegetables in front of a vegetable stand.

The customer asks: “how much is a catty here?”

Answer: “1 yuan.”

Again, “What about that side?”

Answer: “$1.50.”

Question: “Why is that $1.50 over there?”

A: “It’s better over there.”

So I bought it for $1.50.

It turned out that the stall owner quickly turned a penny of a dollar into two piles. Soon, 1 yuan 5 jin were sold out again!

Revelation: When you have only one price, the customer’s choice is only buy or not buy, when you have two prices, the customer’s choice becomes “buy good” or “buy bad”. And more customers choose to buy good products on daily necessities, which increases your profits imperceptibly.

3. Promote repeat purchase

The boutique, which sells high-end men’s business wear, offers membership to dry-clean your clothes for free once a month. Ordinary member once, silver card twice, gold card three times. So the clothes sold by this shop, their members take the clothes back for dry cleaning, every time when they come to pick up the clothes, they have to look at the shop’s new clothes, look for a long time, buy more. The upscale men’s business wear store has locked in enough customers to spend money there with its free dry cleaning service. You see, that’s how powerful the giveaway is!

Inspiration: with a small value-added service, let customers be willing to repeat to the store, so as to easily lock customers.

4. Borrow to enhance your image

One day, after entering the Chinese market, a manufacturer of supplies did something that many peers could not understand, that is, it opened its direct store in the central square of the city where the rent is very high and the cost is very high. The store on its left is the famous top brand: Chanel.

A lot of people don’t understand at first, but then they get it. It turned out that the customer thought: to be able to do neighbor products with Chanel, must also be high-end products. Smart manufacturers, with the cost of an image store, directly improve the position of the product in the hearts of customers.

Enlightenment: borrow, that is, cleverly borrow the position of other brands, establish their own position in the hearts of customers. Your standing with customers depends in part on who you hang out with.

5. Marketing psychology

Couple go shopping mall, female fancy a set of high-grade tableware, insist to buy, the husband disrelish expensive, refuse to pay. Shopping guide a look, quietly said a word to her husband, he immediately pay. What made him turn so quickly? The shopping guide said to her husband, “With such expensive tableware, your wife won’t let you wash the dishes.”

Revelation: This is in addition to the hospital, the customer’s biggest pain point? Customers do not buy, but not enough pain!! There is nothing immutable about the concept of people, the key is the Angle, to be good at figuring out customer psychology, good at creating pain points.